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Hiring an employee in France

Play Video about The steps of hiring an employee in France

TFE - Titre Firmes Etrangères

TFE - Titre Firmes Etrangères
Play Video about TFE - Titre Firmes Etrangères
universal health protection

The cost of social regime in France since the universal health protection (PUMA)

A certain number of people who settle in France and do not exercise a professional activity there or exercise an ...
Travel expenses

Travel expenses deductible from the tax result of companies

Travel costs are in principle deductible insofar as they have been incurred in the interest of business.We will see the ...
/ Company life, Fiscal
Gifts in Business

Gifts in business – Tax and social consequences

At the end of the year, it is customary in many companies to give gifts to people in business relationships ...
Vehicle Tax on Companies (T.V.S.)

Vehicle Tax on Companies (T.V.S.)

Most companies that own or use vehicles of a certain category, which we are going to define, must declare and ...
/ Company life, Fiscal
VAT deduction

VAT deduction: the conditions to be met to exercise it

The VAT deduction is only possible if the good or service has been acquired as part of an economic activity ...
Titre Particulier Employeur Etranger - TPEE

Title Private Foreign Employer (Titre Particulier Employeur Etranger – TPEE)

This title concerns non-resident persons who wish to employ a private employee for direct services to people activities. These people ...
/ Staff & Social field
Repatriated employees

Repatriated employees : exemption from affiliation to French pension schemes

The decree 2019-606 of June 118th 2019 allows employees repatriated in France (which we will call now "impatriés") to be ...
/ Staff & Social field
FBA French art de vivre

General information on agricultural taxation

After briefly defining the economic activities concerned by agricultural taxation, we will discuss the following points:The various tax systems in ...
/ Agriculture
Create a business in France

Create a business in France in 2019

The creation of an economic activity is often a complicated operation. It must be carefully prepared because it engages the ...
2019-07-13 Notice of taxation on income in France

Notice of taxation on income in France

French taxpayers will soon receive their income tax notice (between July 24th and August 7th).This document is very important because it ...
/ Taxes for Individuals
News about taxes

Some news about taxes

Two subjects of news about taxes:Tax reduction named "DENORMANDY" on real estate investmentTen years of recovery for non-declaration of account ...
Main relief to the creation of Businesses

Main relief to the creation of Businesses

There are a very large number of helpers for entrepreneurs. We cannot quote them in their entirety, but the list ...

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