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Make my life easier in France

Administrative steps before you arrive in France

You’ve made your decision to move to France and make a new start here…
But there are so many administrative issues to sort out before you make the leap!
Here’s some good news: thanks to our network of contacts, we can help you make the move.

Carte de séjour

What forms do I have to fill out? What documents should I submit with my application?

So many documents… I need some help!

>>> Contact our team by filling out the form below <<<

How else can we make your life easier in France?

Why not take a look at our accounting guides?

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News on revenue declarations for 2023

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News on revenue declarations for 2022

Tax returns must be completed, same as every year, and the deadlines for filing them with the tax department are ...
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=> A proposal for a legal arrangement It is impossible in France to obtain a registration certificate for a vehicle ...
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