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Make my life easier in France

Administrative steps once you arrive in France

There are just so many administrative steps and so many forms to fill out…
On top of that, most forms are in French, which you may still be learning.
You are definitely going to need some help to get through this!

Registering with the French healthcare system

Are you worried about health cover here in France?

Perhaps you’ve heard of the Carte Vitale but don’t know how to get one?

>>> Contact us by filling out the form below <<<

Other administrative issues

* CAF paperwork

* Driving License

* Car registration

>>> Contact us by filling out the form below <<<

How else can we make your life easier in France?

Why not take a look at our accounting guides?

Compliance with founding acts in terms of provident schemes and health insurance

- Amendment of objective categories -Employers, are you up to date with your obligations regarding provident schemes and health insurance?Check ...
A team joining forces

New value sharing obligation in companies with at least 11 employees

Employers (excluding sole proprietorships) are subject to a new value-sharing obligation that applies to fiscal years beginning on or after ...

Determine your entitlement to unemployment insurance with the France Travail questionnaire

Unemployment insurance is essential protection for workers in the event of job loss. To find out if you are eligible ...
A person working and living in France

Foreign companies’ payroll in France / Titres Firmes Étrangères (T.F.E)

Article of 30/07/2018 updated on 05/11/2024T.F.E is a French administration service which allows foreign companies who do not have any ...

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