To help Anglophone investors better understand French law, we will try to give a translation as expressive as possible of some legal terms in three areas:
- Tax,
- Company law,
- Social right.
The translations will be supplemented by links that will lead you directly to the articles already published (if any) on our website that deal with the subject concerned.
I – Tax
- B.A. (Bénéfices Agricoles): Agricultural profits
- B.I.C. (Bénéfices Industriels et Commerciaux): Industrial and commercial profits
- B.N.C. (Bénéfices Non Commerciaux): Non-commercial profits
- C.E.T. (Contribution Economique Territoriale): Territorial Economic Contribution
- C.F.E. (Contribution Foncière des Entreprises): Contribution to land investment
- Crédit d’impôt: Tax credit
- C.S.G./C.R.D.S. (Contribution Sociale Généralisée/ Contribution au Remboursement de la Dette Sociale): Generalized Social Contribution / Contribution to the Reimbursement of Social Debt.
- We specify that these two contributions are taxes and that they are due on almost all the income made in France by the French residents.
- C.V.A.E. (Contribution sur la Valeur Ajoutée des Entreprises): Contribution on added value
- I.F.I. (Impôt sur La Fortune Immobilière): Tax on real estate fortune
- I.R. (Impôt sur le revenu): Income tax
- I.S. (Impôt sur les sociétés): Corporation tax
- Régimes fiscaux: Tax regimes
- Régime micro: Micro regime
- Régime du réel: Regime of the real
- Taxe foncière: Property tax
- Taxe d’habitation: Housing tax
- T.V.A. (Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée): V.A.T. (Value Added Tax).
You can find developments about the terms mentioned above in our site in the following articles:
- Principal rules on VAT in France
- Principles of VAT taxation of services in Europe
- VAT and intra-community trade
- Setting up a small business in France
- Tax on real estate fortune
- Taxes in France
- Territorial Economic Contribution
- What tax regime to choose for an individual enterpreneur
II – Company law
- Assemblée générale: General meeting
- E.I.R.L. (Entrepreneur Individuel à Responsabilité Limitée: Individual entrepreneur with limited liability)
- Parts de société or Actions: Capital shares
- S.A. (Société Anonyme): Anonymous society
- S.A.R.L. (Société à Responsabilité Limitée): Limited Liability Company. The equivalent of a Limited Company
- S.A.S (Société par Actions Simplifiée): Company by shares simplified. It is a company close to the Anonymous company but much simpler in its operation
- S.N.C. (Société en nom collectif): Partnership. It is a form of society where all associates are merchants and responsible indefinitely
- Travailleur Indépendant: Self-employed.
Our articles published to date that deal with the terms translated above are as follows:
- Annual General Meetings in S.A.R.L.
- Setting up a small business in France
- The main legal forms that can be adopted to do a business in France
- What tax regime to choose for an individual entrepreneur
III – Social right
- Bulletin de salaire: Pay slip
- Démission: Resignation
- D.P.A.E. (Déclaration Préalable à l’Embauche): Declaration Prior to Hire
- Embauche: Hiring
- Heures supplémentaires: Overtime
- Licenciement: Termination, redundance, lay-off
- Régime social: Social regime
- T.N.S. (Travailleur Non Salarié): Self-employed
- Salarié: Employee
- Registre unique du personnel: Single staff register
- Représentants du personnel: Staff representatives
- Temps de travail: Working time.
The following articles, published on our website, are dedicated to social law:
- Abstracts about the new “labour law”
- Hiring of employees in France
- Some informations to help business leaders to choose their social status
- The Macron ordinances
- Various forms of breach of the work contract
We tried to translate some legal terms as explicitly as possible. We hope this will help you better understand some documents.
However, beyond that, we can help you translate or interpret various contracts or laws, you can reach us through several ways!