Although this information is not directly related to the Coronavirus crisis, we would like to pass it on to you because it contains a hiring assistance device that could be welcome to financially support your business: the open job hiring assistance!
I – What is it all about?
Since January 1st, 2020, it would seem that the conditions to benefit from an aid to hire a person in open employment have changed. Indeed, this aid can amount to up to €15,000 for the hiring of a permanent or fixed-term contract equal to or longer than 6 months for a job seeker living in a priority district of the city’s policy.
II – What type of structures can use open-ended jobs?
All companies and associations mentioned in article L. 5134-66 of the Labour Code are concerned, except:
- private individuals who are employers;
- all public employers (including public administrative establishments -EPA- and public industrial and commercial establishments -EPIC-).
III – What are the criteria to be met in order to qualify for assistance?
If you are actually part of the structures that can carry out a hiring in open employment, you will have to choose a person meeting the following conditions:
- be a jobseeker registered with Pôle Emploi in categories 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 or a member of a professional security contract (CSP) or a young person followed by a local mission;
- reside in a priority district of the city’s policy (QPV). Please note: it is the address of the person recruited that comes into play and not that of the structure that recruits them.
These future employees in open-ended employment must be offered a permanent or fixed-term job for at least 6 months.
Finally, the person recruited must not have been part of the company’s workforce during the six months preceding his or her hiring date, nor must the company have had recourse to dismissal for economic reasons for the position to be filled offered to the candidate in open-ended employment.
If these conditions are met, the employer is free to hire the person of his choice in open employment, regardless of his age, level of education, working time and remuneration at the time of hiring.
It is possible to contact Pôle Emploi’s Employers Department at 3995 or a local mission for help in finding candidates.
IV – What amounts are we talking about?
For the hiring of a person in full-time open employment, the amount of assistance is:
- € 15,000 over 3 years for a permanent employment contract (i.e. 5,000 euros per year);
- € 5,000 over 2 yearsfor a fixed-term contract of 6 months or more (2,500 euros per year).
Of course, these amounts are prorated in accordance with the terms of the contract, i.e. the duration of the contract and the predefined working time.
V – How do I apply for this assistance?
The application for aid is made via the Cerfa form n°16035*01, which you will find by clicking here. Once completed, you must send it to Pôle Emploi within 3 months of signing the employment contract.
You will have to join to your request:
- The certificate of eligibility of the recruited person mentioning his/her address; this is available from Pôle Emploi, via the employee’s personal space or from a counsellor, or through the local mission;
- Proof of address of the person recruited.
You should pay particular attention to the following two points:
- The address mentioned on the proof of residence and the one indicated on the certificate must be identical;
- You must check whether the address indicated is in a priority district of the city’s policies, thanks to the website where you will just have to enter the address. Thus, if the place of residence is in a priority district, you will have to copy the district number on the Cerfa form, which can be downloaded from the link provided above.
VI – What are the terms and conditions for the payment of this aid?
Pôle Emploi pays this aid to beneficiary companies every 6 months, starting from the date of execution of the contract, in return for proof of the employee’s presence, which the company must provide within a maximum of 2 months.
Note: There are derogatory provisions concerning the territory of La Réunion. More information on this subject is available by clicking here.
We are at your disposal to answer your requests: contact us!