As every month, the eligibility criteria for the Solidarity Fund have been modified to cope with the developments of the Covid-19 health crisis. Please find below the main changes for the month of February 2021.
> Main changes to the Solidarity Fund for February 2021
In order to be eligible for assistance under the public ban, the ban must be uninterrupted from February 1 to 28, 2021. In addition, the company will also have to show a drop in turnover of at least 20%. In order to evaluate this decrease, the turnover of the month of February 2021 will have to include the turnover realized from distance selling, take-away or delivery.
Following the closure of shopping centers of more than 20,000 square meters, aid is provided to retail stores located in these complexes affected by the restriction.
In addition, the aid for shops located in mountain areas (Annex 3 of the decree) is maintained under the same conditions.
Pay attention: an important modification is to come for the March Solidarity Fund. Indeed, if this point is not in the decree, the administration specifies on its homepage that the criterion used between the actual turnover 2019 of the month concerned by the application, and the average of 2019, must be renewed for the month of March 2021. Nothing specifies whether this choice will be maintained for the following periods. We therefore invite you to reflect greatly on this point and to make any necessary anticipations.
To help you, please find below our explanatory diagram presenting the different possible cases (also available for download here).
The list of activities in Annex 1 (S1 sectors) and Annex 2 (S1 bis sectors) is slightly completed.
Applications for the month of February 2021 can already be submitted according to the usual procedure on your personal space on the website
> Explanatory scheme of the Solidarity Fund for February 2021
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!