A new decree postpones until 31 January, or 7 March 2021 in certain cases, the possibility of taking leave entitling the employee to exceptional assistance.
As a reminder:
Companies eligible for exceptional aid are those whose main activity involves receiving the public when the legal, regulatory or individual measures taken to deal with the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic have resulted in:
- Either a ban on receiving the public in all or part of the establishment for a total period of at least 140 days between 1 January and 31 December 2020;
- Either a loss of turnover during the periods when the state of health emergency was declared (from 24 March 2020 to 10 July 2020, reactivated since 17 October 2020) of at least 90% compared to that achieved during the same periods in 2019.
The aid is capped at 10 days of paid leave per employee.
The amount of aid mentioned is equal, for each employee and per day of paid leave taken, to 70% of the holiday pay (calculated according to the rule of salary maintenance) up to a limit of 4.5 times the hourly rate of the SMIC.
The hourly amount, which may not be less than €8.11, is calculated by relating each day of paid leave to the daily working time applicable to the employee or, if this cannot be determined, to 7 hours.
Paid leave must now be taken between:
- 1 and 31 January 2021 (instead of 20 January previously);
- And, also, between 1 February 2021 and 7 March 2021 when the above conditions are met and the employer has placed one or more employees in a partial activity position during this same period.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!